Someone just sent me a quotation that got me thinking. The crux of the quotation was that whatever we do not only affects us but it also has an impact and affects the lives of others like ripples in a still pond, constantly expanding way beyond our immediate comprehension.

If we accept that, and I certainly do, then we need to give serious thought to whatever we do in order to improve the quality of life in general rather than harming it. We are not responsible for the conditions that exist in our immediate environment. But we are responsible for the atmosphere we create as a result of our attitude to those conditions and the things we say or do. Surely, it is preferable to live in a more amenable state, happier with ourselves instead of the opposite. How much just such an attitude would impact on the quality or lack of it in our relationships.

I think one of the most important lessons we need to learn from the Covid pandemic is the fact that we are connected to one another far more than we ever realised in the past. The disease has ravaged the entire planet and shows no sign of abating. In fact, there is another surge and the only reason life seems to be returning to ‘normal’ is because of the vaccinations, which to a great extent have defanged the virus so that people feel safer.

The thing is that the farthest reaches of the earth have been affected and the illness is still being transmitted from one area to another like a chain of fire crackers. Covid is no respecter of skin colour, religious beliefs, nationality, standard of living or boundaries. We are ALL in the same boat, together and so we owe a duty of care to one another if we want the human race to survive the present menace, not to mention other dangers lurking over the horizon. Nobody can or should shrug off personal responsibility. It is too late for apathy.

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