Writing a book is one of the most challenging tasks I have ever faced. Do I really have anything original to contribute? Will anybody want to read my meanderings? Will any of my intellectual shortcomings be exposed to the world after a lifetime of doing my utmost to hide them, etc? These are just a few of the barriers confronting me before I plucked up the courage to take the bull by the horns and sit down in front of the computer and start the project.
What was the trigger that eventually provoked me to take one of the biggest risks I have ever taken in my life and to just do it? The yearning to write has been a lifelong ambition, which was always lurking deep in my consciousness, no matter how hard I tried to deny it. I had made numerous stabs at it over the years but invariably gave up at some point. My good fortune was that I met and married Orit, the most amazing woman I have known. She participated in some of the courses on Personal Development and Self-Awareness, which I delivered in London and afterwards became very involved in assisting on subsequent programmes.
Very intelligent and highly motivated, she was a quick learner and eventually, together, we began to deliver these seminars, primarily in Israel and Turkey. In the course of these seminars, we dealt with countless instances of the various problems arising in relationships. She was aware of my desire to write and also of my fears. Her encouragement and persistence did the trick. We discussed the chapters to be included in the book in advance and what content would be contained in each, especially the case-studies. She recommended topics such as Subliminal Agreements and Active Listening. I would then write and she would vet the work. On the one hand, she was scathingly critical but always constructive and on the other, encouraging and supportive. Without her hands-on involvement and professional input as a therapist and coach, nothing would finally have seen the light of day. The book is the result of a classic synergistic effect.
In her own right, having gleaned so much experience from the writing of Relationships I.Q, she has had her book, Parenting is (not) Childs’ Play published in Israel in Hebrew, her mother tongue and the translation into Turkish in that country. Hopefully, it will also be available to the English speaking readership sometime in the future.
For me, the old adage, the first step is always the hardest, has proven to be so true. Writing is also one of the most enjoyable and fulfilling undertakings I have experienced. My novel, Between Heaven and Earth is due to be published in the coming months, followed hopefully, by a thriller, The Holy Land Murders.
So, Relationships I.Q. is just the start. Thank you to Austin Macauley for being willing to publish the book. They have done a wonderful job.

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